how to not go crazy with babies
A summary of holiday traditions around the world
Investigate costs & set-up for an inexpensive, successful wedding
- Editing Trainer: Debi Wright
Learning objectives:
This is lesson 1 on how to crochet the basics.
1. Needle
2. Pull
3. Stitch
This course is for faculty practice. If anyone comes across helpful Moodle demos online or figures out hepful tips, please feel free to post here in the forum - or create a new topic.
- Editing Trainer: Atinuke Akinpeloye
- Editing Trainer: James Buterakos
- Editing Trainer: Julie Campe
- Editing Trainer: Crystal Cederna
- Editing Trainer: Thair Dawood
- Editing Trainer: Rebecca Ellens
- Editing Trainer: Chelsay Hamburg
- Editing Trainer: Mona Hanna-Attisha
- Editing Trainer: Jason Harrod
- Editing Trainer: Susumu Inoue
- Editing Trainer: Muhammad Jabbar
- Editing Trainer: Danielle King
- Editing Trainer: Jenny LaChance
- Editing Trainer: Taja Lay
- Editing Trainer: Nicolas Lecea
- Editing Trainer: Leo Mercer
- Editing Trainer: Julia Moses
- Editing Trainer: Vijay Naraparaju
- Editing Trainer: Yaseen Rafee
- Editing Trainer: Gwen Reyes
- Editing Trainer: Audrina Roberts
- Editing Trainer: Cheyenne Sanborn
- Editing Trainer: Anju Sawni
- Editing Trainer: Mahesh Sharman
- Editing Trainer: Adiraj Singh
- Editing Trainer: Danelle Stabel
- Editing Trainer: Mohammad Tabbah
- Editing Trainer: Pauline Tippett
- Editing Trainer: Kristoffer Wong
Just have fun with them and let them do what they want.
Learning objectives:
- Describe types of doughnuts
- List ingredients for at least 1 type of doughnut
- Follow instructions to make at least 1 type of doughnut